Well, so much for sacrificing all for the client. I tried, really I did, but the brief was not coming together in a way that I could consider anywhere near my standards. Truth, I was just too sick.
Fortunately, illness is an acceptable excuse for an extension. And thank heavens for paralegals who can put together a request, because by the time I was ready to admit I couldn't get it done, I was in no shape to do even that. But I have a great appellate paralegal named Martha, who got it done for me. I was out on Monday, and was even sicker on Tuesday.
I came in to work yesterday, but that was mostly to get my hours for the month of May in. I was way late. It may seem crass, but the truth is, if we don't send bills, we can't pay our own. And the computer needs the electric bill paid. Plus, I might get yelled at if I don't get them in.
While at work yesterday, I was able to put out a few fires that were still smoldering from my absence, review a court order that gaveth and tooketh away (mostly gaveth, fortunately) and then went home to bed again.
Today, I am back. I still fear I'll lose a lung with every cough, but at least I can still up straight. more importantly, I can think straight.
Meanwhile, my latest contribution at Living Las Vegas is up, a paean to Boyd School of law, celebrating its 10th anniversary. See Law School, Vegas Style.
But have I written any fiction?
Of course not.
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